Raffaello 1520-1483 exhibition

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A walk through the “Raffaello 1520-1483” exhibition. The Scuderie del Quirinale virtually reopen the doors of the “Raffaello 1520-1483” exhibition with video-stories, insights and backstage forays that will allow you to admire some of the most beautiful works on display and will present details and curiosities about art of the Renaissance painter and on the largest exhibition ever attempted so far. This video allows the viewer to virtually explore the museum exhibition, focusing many aspects of the artist’s work. Namely, students will be able to learn about the artist’s life, his studies in Venice, his famous works such as the Vatican tapestries as well as his poetry and architectural work.

Additional information

School subject

Type of Museum

Exhibit type

Student age range

Education Level

Period covered

Country of Origin
